Magic Happens

I was taking my usual brisk walk along the Katy Trail this afternoon and found myself unconsciously wearing a big smile. Of course I would be happy, the sun is shining so brightly this afternoon and the air is cold enough for a fleece jacket you wrap around your waist half way to the I-70 bridge.

I am struck by what an unbelievable magician our Creator is. Here I am walking along the river and the sparkling reflection of the sunlight on the water is accompanying me as I walk. I mean, who could have thought of that light show right at your side without even asking for it???? I am amazed by nature’s beauty that I witness every single day. And there is magic, always magic.

Today the new moon is in Sagittarius — my sun sign. The new moon offers us an opportunity to start new beginnings, planting seeds for the future. So here I am on the page, planning on being a better listener to the still small voice down deep inside. And this blog offers a place to share the insights my spirit whispers to me along the way — a small ray of light that might touch you somewhere deep down there too.

Would love to hear how the Creator’s magic has touched your life…….